Yes here 
specifically link 
mac users to this. It would save on email traffic apart form anything else :-)
At mapathons I've been heading there and using the JOSM version 7000 download 
link as quick way to get older mac users going. That usually works (though not 
ideal obviously)  .  I'm not sure what happens to people with MacOS between 
version 10.7 and 10.7.3 . The wiki page is unclear about that, but seems it 
doesn't apply to many people.

      From: john whelan <>
 To: Suzan Reed <> 
Cc: "" <> 
 Sent: Friday, 1 May 2015, 12:31
 Subject: Re: [HOT] HELP - JOSM on MacbookPro OS 10.6
Dig on the JOSM page there is a way to run java 6 and a specific earlier 
version of JOSM, it is known about and it is documented.

Cheerio John

On 30 April 2015 at 23:59, Suzan Reed <> wrote:

Thank you everyone.

I can't run Java 7 on 10.6.8, so no JOSM for me. Really disappointing.


On Apr 30, 2015, at 7:31 PM, Emir Hartato wrote:

Hey Suzan,

Any specific error message that you got when you launch JOSM?
You might need to update your Java manually since Apple disabled automatic 
update for Java. So I assume you still stuck at version 6.

Read more here: and there's a 
link to download the newer version.

Good luck!

On 1 May 2015 at 12:11, Suzan Reed <> wrote:
I am having difficulties getting JOSM to install and launch on a MacBookPro 
running 10.6.8. Help?

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