Hi Michael, I do this: as instructions say, circular "aeroway=helipads" only if 
found the circular mark on ground with the "H". For the other "possible" 
landing areas as said in instructions, in hilly areas I try to find the higher 
and larger, clear but not too far from village. Also with some support of 
helicopters websites as quoted, Helicopters like Chinook may need wider area, 
but smaller helipoters can land on smaller areas. It depends on conditions that 
we can't decide from satellite. What we can do is to mark the best area as 
instructilons say, but specialists and pilots will choose. Close to major river 
beds it may be easier to find, since there it can be flat farmland areas 
(possibly rice). I try to mark the shape for these alternative areas: if it was 
previously marked as farmland, I add a new poligon (not sharing nodes) for 
leisure=common (if these areas will be searched by querry for "common", it's 
easier to find). I try to draw the shape of what I can see clean, avoiding 
visible objects (rocks, scrub, trees, walls).  For example if it's a strip of 
30x100m, i'd rather draw this way, because it's better to indicate possible 
aproaching direction. Recently I prefer to mark some 2 of these areas in some 
villages, when it's possible, because anyway, this don't mean pilots "must" 
land there, but they can choose on visual contact. Regards, Sérgio 
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