Hi that is an excellent example.

Between the buildings you are right I don't see a path and more over, we don't really need a path between those two individual buildings if that is what you were referencing.

But I do see a path going off into the woods to the NNE that I would map, even though the trees obscure parts of it, it looks pretty clear it is a complete path going to other buildings NNE of there.

And I see one going E, ESE that is more obvious.

And one basically W-E along the base of the forested hills.

Those are about the only 3 significant paths that I see that I would map and I would probably map them as complete trails even though it is across rough terrain where the path is difficult to see. It looks pretty clear to me you can walk a path along the base of those hills to all the buildings at the base.

It does take some experience and local knowledge helps and by all means, if you are in doubt, do not map something, better something gets not mapped than you map something that does not exist.

Thank you all for the discussion!


On 5/6/2015 2:07 PM, Kretzer wrote:
This is one of the examples I came across: 
Maybe it's not the best one - it looks like you can easily walk from one 
building to the other, but you can't really tell the altitude differences. 
OpenCycleMaps knows that there are steep gradients nearby, but I don't think 
it's accurate enough to use with certainty at that scale.

So I did not want to just draw an arbitrary line. The paths are each connected 
at one side, so it's not like ther has to be a connection.
My inclination is to err on the side of caution, but I'm interested to know 
what others think.

(Sorry I did not disable HTML in my former mails. The web client should do that 
automatically, but doesn't always.)

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2015 um 11:49 Uhr
Von: Kretzer <kret...@gmx.net>
An: "Andre Engels" <andreeng...@gmail.com>
Cc: "Suzan Reed" <su...@suzanreed.com>, hot <hot@openstreetmap.org>
Betreff: Aw: Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths

Andre, I think the case Suzan describes is not a "proper" path being invisible, 
rather that people just walk without paths, eg between several houses. In this case it 
would be pointless to draw a fan of paths to each house. I would rather end the path 
somewhere in the village.

In general I agree, that it is better to have a connected network - that's why 
I asked. Still I think there are limits to this. In the cases I am thinking of 
it was not possible to judge from the imagery if it is physicallv possible to 
walk between two visible paths (like paths on either side of a steep ridge). I 
did not want to send anyone over a cliff just because I filled in the blanks 
... After all we should map what is on the ground, not what we think should be 

And I don't think many people use routing with paths in this time and space. They don't 
even do that in my part of the Alps where a dense and well mapped networks of 
"official" hiking paths exists.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2015 um 06:36 Uhr
Von: "Andre Engels" <andreeng...@gmail.com>
An: "Suzan Reed" <su...@suzanreed.com>
Cc: hot <hot@openstreetmap.org>, Kretzer <kret...@gmx.net>
Betreff: Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths
I disagree. In a case like you mention - a path, then an open area, then a path 
again - in my opinion there is a path across the open space, just one that is 
not easily visible in the terrain. Having gaps in ways seriously undermines the 
usability of the database.

On 6 May 2015 03:54, "Suzan Reed" <su...@suzanreed.com> wrote:Walking in Nepal one can be 
on a path and it will suddenly disappear, and then you walk across open ground to your destination. 
People don't necessarily walk on a path, especially between houses, and houses in the same 
"village" can be a quarter mile away or more. Knowing this, I have not connected paths blindly. 
I know they just end sometimes. Yet it is still valuable to know where they are.

Most of the Bing imagery I'm working with was taken during the dry season, so 
all the rushing great streams and rivers are dry. In the wet season they will 
be roaring with water. Good to map them.


On May 5, 2015, at 5:33 PM, Kretzer wrote:

I was also wondering about the best approach to connecting paths.
On one hand all highways only make sense when they are connected, on the other it does 
not feel good to me to guess too freely where an invisible path might go. Particularly in 
steep terrain paths that are quite close horizontally really don't connect, as there can 
be a cliff or something in between. I often feel tempted to close a short gap 
"blindly" but did not as this can be really dangerous. It's probably better to 
leave it as patchwork and hope that the map will be improved later with better imagery or 
people with local knowledge.

In other situations it feels quite safe to fill in the blanks, like when a 
clearly visible road disappears into a small forest and the same type of road 
appears on the other side.

As to waterways and paths it often helps to follow them for a longer stretch 
and see where they go. This often gives you a better picture, if you see them 
run into a bigger river for example.

PS I'd also prefer a more permanent place than IRC to get answers, so people 
can read them up later. Maybe a kind of forum would be useful to not clog up 
the mailing list?

Gesendet: Dienstag, 05. Mai 2015 um 17:34 Uhr
Von: "Katja Ulbert" <m...@katja-ulbert.de>
An: "hot@openstreetmap.org" <hot@openstreetmap.org>
Betreff: [HOT] newbie needs advice
Hi all,

I am a newbie coming up with a few questions, It would be great if someone with 
more knowledge could take the time to answer them. They don´t have to be 
answered here and now or via mailinglist, I am also on IRC #hot as katjaulbert. 
I am mapping in task #1018.

1) Paths: I have come across some that are obviously connected but there are 
small areas where I cant´t follow their course. Same with paths that lead into 
forests, where they disappear and reappear on the other side. Should I connect 
them? I don´t think it´s useful to have tiny bits of paths in the map or paths 
that lead into nowhere.

2) I need advice to distinguish dried waterways from paths.  Waterways seem to 
be much broader and uneven and often accompanied from paths.

3) Tags: I cant´t find some tags that are advised in the task instruction, for 
example bridge=supension. Are there any presets I forgot to load?

4) Imagery: I use Bing and Mapbox, are there any more sources? Also, is there a 
way to digitally zoom Mapbox imagery? Sometimes it´s easier to spot things with 
Mapbox, especially paths, but it stops displaying at some point.

Thanks for taking time!


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