My major problem with the current training, it's long, boring, and slow. A 
Quick Start Guide would be perfect for someone like me. A video with this 
information would be great. I could not go through the training because it went 
too slow, so I missed some information, but found the process for someone like 
me who works in Photoshop pretty easy and intuitive, but I'm not a usual 

An orientation video for the area being mapped. 
I don't think many mappers know what buildings in remote areas of Nepal look 
like, or that villages are spread out over a big area, or that paths just end 
and do not connect in rural Nepal. A video with still and moving images I 
believe would be a big help. People could then see buildings are not square, 
built out of piles of rocks, and are often two stories tall with animals below 
and people above. Roofs are tin, or packed earth. If mappers could see this I 
think they would do a better job mapping. The video could also go over other 
details of the project. I'd be willing to help with this. 

I have connected with someone who is my mentor and checks my work. Think it 
would be great if every newbie could have a mentor, or a group of mentors to 
submit work to. 

Correcting other's work
We all want to do a good job, but I don't think the training gives the most 
important information up front, i.e. make buildings the right size and square. 

I've just deleted and redrawn about 100 buildings that were not square nor did 
they fit on the image footprint. The mappers probably thought a rough polygon 
would let people know a building existed in that spot, but that's not what's 
needed. Same with paths that didn't conform to the image. How to do it right 
would be so helpful if included in the training up front. I don't think most 
people have the patience to go through slow training, or my DVD wouldn't have 
come with a Quick Start Guide! 

I'm a Newbie, and I recommend newbies be limited to drawing buildings and 
adding roads and paths. Experts should draw Residential Areas in rural areas 
and note forests and other features. I've corrected hundreds of buildings and 
paths. It's a waste of time and energy for the original mapper and the person 
correcting. We all want to do a good job or we wouldn't be spending hours 

Hope this helps. 



On May 6, 2015, at 11:10 PM, Laura Camellini wrote:

Hi all,
as I suggested some days ago, I'd like to add these video training (while done) 
to a moodle course, And maybe be able to synch the moodle course training with 
the task manager permission to edit maps.
Do you think this could help you with your tasks?


2015-05-07 3:16 GMT+02:00 Mhairi O'Hara <>:
Dear Hotties,

Please see the e-mail from Pete Masters from the Missing Maps project:

We are thinking about putting together some video training resources
for HOT mapping for newbies. No concrete plans yet, just getting some
thoughts together.

There's a shared doc here, where we're collecting ideas for the
individual modules. Please feel free to add your thoughts and, even
better, to encourage newbies to identify where there are most needs
for training materials...



Pete Masters
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518


Mhairi O'Hara
Technical Project Manager
Indonesian Mobile: +62 822 4701 1475

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Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development 

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