HOT already has some experience of drones in Haiti using volunteers.  If we
can grab the images from them then I'm sure they can be processed in a
similar way to the way they are being done in Haiti, we just need to work
out what to do with the data.  The sensors I strongly suspect just use a
different part of the electromagnetic frequency, infra-red / UV for example.

Crowdsourcing bit is more map the outline of the fields and give some of
the programmers and GIS people something to play with.  Initially if we can
get 20% of the gains for 1% of the cost of a commercial system then I think
its doable and we can build on that.  If it works then there will be a lot
of people very interested in mapping their bit of the world in OSM to get
the benefits.

I just float ideas sometimes.

Cheerio John

On 13 May 2015 at 19:22, Springfield Harrison <> wrote:

> Good thoughts John,
> This is well underway with much hardware and software having been
> developed.  As with everything, it has challenges.  Googling should turn up
> tons of info on presion agriculture and crop health.
> The cameras, drones and image processing require fairly high technical
> knowledge, not likely a crowd activity.
> Drones have many other uses and may be useful for reckon/mapping in the
> Nepal disaster.  They might be useful to augment helicopter reconnaissance
> and as a local eye in the sky for ground teams.   I have a back pack drone
> with an HD camera which can do local inspections for about 20 min. per
> battery.  Very good for inaccessible areas.
> Drones will be our friends unless misuse brings an early demise.
> Cheers . . . . .   Spring Harrison
> Samsung Tab 4
> On May 13, 2015 4:00 PM, "john whelan" <> wrote:
>> I created a grid as a separate data layer using JOSM and saved it to my
>> computer. I pull it in when I need it. The grid interval is based on my
>> preferred zoom level.
>> Tom Taylor
>> TomT5454
>> On 12/05/2015 7:45 AM, wrote:
>>> Dear everybody,
>>> I am looking for suggestions on how different people ensure that they
>>> have looked at the entire contents of a mapping square.  e.g. How do you
>>> ensure you have looked at the whole square and found all buildings.
>>> At the moment I do a lot of panning and zooming and cover a square in a
>>> fairly random manner.  I would like to have more structured method to
>>> ensure I have covered a square.  Something like a transparent grid
>>> overlay for JOSM.  I know that a task can be split and I have done that
>>> to a few squares but have also worked on larger squares.
>>> I am using JOSM and am able to figure out how to use all of the
>>> functions, sometimes I just don't know what function I am looking for.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Michael.
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