I ran a small mapathon at the MSF office at which we were doing task 993.
This is a vast area and a lot of the squares have not a lot in them. As
these were beginners, they were all using iD. They felt very comfortable
using the arrows to scroll through the squares, so that their scanning was
systematic. However, it is extremely slow - much slower than needed for
this task anyway.

Has anyone thought about a keyboard commend that moves the imagery, data
etc one screen (width / height) in whatever direction is pressed? I'm
estimating, but I think this would make new users two or three times as
fast in this kind of task.

One of the beginners also suggested that once a section of the task has
been viewed (i.e. has been on screen), it could then be overlaid with a
semi opaque colour, that could toggled on and off. Meaning that when a user
finishes,  they could zoom out to make sure they have covered the entire

Missing Maps has a vested interest in this as, to map large scale areas
with lots of new mappers, we want them to be mapping as efficiently as
possible. If we can double the area they can scan in any given minute,
that's a big win for us.

I'm not sure how to pursue these ideas (and the others on this thread)
further. If anyone has advice, please send it my way.


On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 12:13 AM, Suzan Reed <su...@suzanreed.com> wrote:

> Pat,
> I would find useful:
>    - A grid that doesn't change gps coordinates as I change zoom levels
>    (50ft, 150ft, 300ft, 500ft).
>    - Something that can be easily turned on and off (keyboard shortcut?)
>    - Lines one pixel wide, very subtle, in a contrasting color, possibly
>    magenta (#FF00FF)).
>    - Numbers on one edge alphabet on the other.
>       - similar the printed maps in my car.
>       - in BoldFace Helvetica or Verdana 13 to 15 pt.
>       - in color making it easy to find an exact place.
>    - Nothing too fancy.
>    - In both ID and JSOM.
> Hope this suggestion helps.
> Suzan
> On May 12, 2015, at 11:07 PM, Pat Tressel wrote:
> Some while back, I suggested writing a JOSM plugin to help make sure one
> has seen the entire task area.  Without going into details, the idea was to
> split the task into a grid with cells (subtasks) just slightly smaller than
> the viewport at the user's chosen zoom level.  When user is satisfied with
> their work in a subtask, they mark it as done and step to the next (e.g.
> using the normal navigation keys).  The user could move out of the subtask
> without marking the task as finished if they want to chase a long feature,
> then snap back to where the subtask they were working on.
> I got sidetracked onto other projects.  One of those will end in two
> weeks, so there might be a window there,.  Is anyone interested in
> collaborating on this?  I've worked on Java desktop applications that
> involve graphics and drawing (for telemedicine and digitization of
> ultrasound images), but have not done more than peek at JOSM.  The
> collaboration might just mean nudzing me about it, but if you've worked on
> a JOSM plugin (hi, Andrew), this would be a good cause.  ;-)
> -- Pat
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