Thank you very much to all who contributed to finish this task
successfully, now pre-disaster map is on way to delivery!

> 2015-06-17 13:49 GMT+02:00 <>:
>> Hi hotties!
>> We need your help to end task#14 for pre-disaster map of Salgar,
>> Antioquia, Colombia.
>> To get more details please refer to:
>> While the population of Salgar rested on 18 May (holiday Monday), about 3
>> am, the overflow of the stream La Liboriana because dammed waters after
>> heavy rain (common cause of flooding in Colombia), it broke the dream of
>> this community that woke up in the nightmare of a sea of watery mud that
>> flooded and dragged their homes downstream. After days of intense activity
>> for the rescue of lives, the official toll is 93 people dead.
>> There are still disaster and new landslides risk areas unmapped, we
>> receive high resolution imagery from "National Federation of Cofee" that
>> cover this areas.
>> Many thanks for your contribution,
>> Humberto Yances
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