
For highways I would say yes to your question.  They are quite simple
functional infrastructure units - it is what they service that becomes more

So for highways one has paths which are purely pedestrian (or perhaps
mountain byc in rural areas ?); tracks only for farm vehicles and four
wheel drive; and then various grades of other with, as you suggest,
unclassified between small settlement areas and then the normal range of
others depending on the size of residential areas that they are linking.  I
know from the correspondence that there is a concern that links to
agricultural land or forestry only is separately identified.  In that case
I would suggest Farmtrack or similar.  Tracks are valid between individual
buildings, but would also pass through farmland, by for people on the
ground it would be necessary easily to identify tracks that are going
nowhere in habitation terms.

As mentioned above, it is what this infrastructure serves that gets more
complicated.  What appears as fairly dense areas of buildings, but
scattered over mountain sides such as Nepal or rural areas in Africa I
would have trouble identifying as residential areas, no more than I would
identify the scatter of farmsteads in Wales, (where I live).  But in all
these circumstances these scatters of rural buildings would be serviced by
villages and small towns.

​It is inevitable that tags should get more and more complicated as time
goes on, in much the same was as, say, the filing system on ​my computer
has become.  A sub-directory is set up, then a new item comes in, and this
is then divided into more sub-directories, and so on,  At some stage it is
necessary to step back and review the whole thing, and I feel that this is
the current case with tags.  However, I am conscious that I am new to this
and that the reasoning behind things are unknown to me.


Andrew Patterson

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