Hi all,

As you might know HOT hosts some informal get togethers via HOTs voice server on Saturday afternoons once in a while, and one is happening today.

We use the HOT "Mumble" server. All you have to do is download a simple client (windows, andriod, ios, linux) and connect and thats it, all the info you need is here:


So far today's topic is a QA testing tool and we are working on a grant proposal for the Knight Prototype Fund http://www.knightfoundation.org/funding-initiatives/knight-prototype-fund/ that Russ mentioned in a previous email.

As always, mappers of any level and people interested in any aspect of HOT are encouraged to join and ask questions or just chat.

Advanced mappers and people interested in Activation Coordination could join up too as we will also be working on validation of the Myanmar projects and setting up some new projects not related to Myanmar.

Hope to see you there!

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot

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