Dear HOT Community,

We are writing to update you on changes and challenges that are facing the
HOT community and organization.

NGOs often have times when there are funds to raise and plans to change.
HOT is no different. We are working to improve our financial oversight and
organizational development. And, we are making some changes to our policies
and practices to build a more sustainable organization. Over the past 5
years, HOT has been primarily a project funded organization with no very
limited unrestricted funds. This pattern and HOT’s operating costs have
made it difficult to grow as quickly as we would like. We have drafted some
initial plans on this front, which we hope you will help guide.

Despite these challenges HOT has experienced amazing growth and an
expansion of our mission, reach and importance to the global humanitarian
community over the past few years through the hard work of our volunteers
and staff. As we come to the end of our fiscal year in 2015 HOT has many
opportunities for continued growth. We aim to provide you and the larger
OpenStreetMap community with more tools and more support for the growth of
local groups. In the coming weeks, we will be asking for your help to
finalize and implement a fundraising plan to achieve those goals.

Thanks again for your ongoing support,

Heather on behalf of the HOT Board of Directors

Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson
HOT mailing list

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