Hi all,

I want to welcome all the people who will be considering becoming a
voting member of HOT.

HOT is a diverse community with a shared goal: Working together to
serve people through collaboration and open data.

Becoming a voting member is a very public declaration of your
commitment that goal.

The HOT/OSM community works on the ground in many places and HOT the
organization does everything it can to support and build those
efforts.  Becoming a voting member is another way you can increase
your participation in and commitment to HOT's projects. The worldwide
HOT/OSM community has accomplished amazing work over the past 5 years
and I am honored to be a peer in that community and a voting member of

I also wish to amplify Russ's mention of the importance of diversity
to HOT. HOT is committed to making our community a safe space for
people of any background.

If anyone has any questions about HOT or about becoming a voting
member, please just contact me whatever way is most convenient for

US: +1 734 330 8989
HOT's mumble server (search in the OSM wiki for mumble)

I love to quote Heather Leson, HOT US Inc.'s President: "Lets be
awesome together."
I look forward to working with everyone in the HOT/OSM community in
the future (how great is it to be able to say that?)

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Russell Deffner
<russell.deff...@hotosm.org> wrote:
> Greetings Global Community of HOT,
> (my apologies, I meant to send this on Monday but was focused on our
> Activations)
> There are never enough ways to thank you for all that you have done and
> continue to do for HOT. It is my pleasure to announce that the Voting
> Members of HOT have launched the nomination period for a New Member
> Election. Voting Members are our ‘core team’ that handle governance such as
> Bylaws, Board Member Elections, and of course - electing additional Voting
> Members.
> The short-story of the way it works is, each existing member can nominate
> one person, and if elected, that nominator mentors the nominee as they
> navigate HOT/OSM and achieve their goals. Those of you who love what we are
> doing and accept the long and grueling challenge of ensuring effective
> governance of the organization as well as strengthening and growing it, I
> welcome you to contact myself or any of the wonderful people you may have
> worked with here: http://hotosm.org/voting-members - rights and
> responsibilities are also defined in the Membership Code linked/attached to
> that page.
> New Member Nominees are not required to campaign in any way, but are
> encouraged to document their aspirations somewhere that will be linked to
> the ballot (or otherwise work with their nominator to provide links/text for
> the ballot). It is not easy to be elected as our existing membership takes
> many things into account, including diversity. To be elected, a nominee must
> gain written consent from ⅔ of the existing membership, in other word 57 of
> the 86 current Voting Members must approve their nomination via ballot
> (think of it as a petition requiring a certain number of signatures).
> Detailed procedures are documented here:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-83ZQvgXLentCAMS37gOPe1Lhmzs1UsqliohxfogJWk
> The nomination period ends November 6th; at which point nominees, their
> nominator and/or supports will have until basically the end of November
> (28th) to introduce themselves via the membership mailing list and/or
> IRC/Mumble/etc. Results will be ratified at a Special Meeting of the Voting
> Members, tentatively between December 12th and 20th  and announced shortly
> after.
> Any questions regarding membership or this election process, please don’t
> hesitate to contact me directly.
> On behalf of the Voting Members, we cannot wait to meet the nominees!
> =Russ
> Russell Deffner
> Chairperson for the Voting Members
> Email: russell.deff...@hotosm.org
> OSM/Skype: russdeffner
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
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