Thanks Pierre for this heads up on this two days workshop that sounded
really interesting.
Excellent day to all,


On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Pierre BĂ©land <> wrote:

> #DigiRevCMI New Information Technology Tools in 21st Century Politics
> My presention yesterday was the opportunity to review that last major
> OpenSteetMap / HOT Responses in the context of disaster and to show the
> various management aspects of such interventions plus quality problems /
> management in the context of such responses.
> I presented briefly the Semantic analysis I started of the 2015 Nepal
> response. Looking at the OSM Planet File for 2015-04-24 (before the
> Response) and 2015-06-07 (After the response), I measured how the objects
> are related to OSM features. This important measure of quality, completes
> other quality measures of OSM data. It also gives us a global measure of
> quality, and can help us monitor the progression of the crowdsource effort
> and detect rapidly some tagging problems. The first step is to relate
> parents / childs (ie. relation, way, node) and find the tags that describe
> each OSM Feature.
> Either before or after the Nepal Response, only 1% of the objects cannot
> be related to a feature such as highway, building, amenity, etc.  No key /
> value combination listed on the OSM Map Features wiki page (plus specific
> HOT disaster keys).  A 1% error shows a high ontologic precision of the
> data produced.  Data with no feature, is Invisible data. Either, there was
> syntax error in the key / value, no tag, or a contributor simply added a
> name or note. We need to look more closely at such patterns and find ways
> to correct them rapidly.
> To show how we can focus on this "Invisible Data" and cure it, I created
> the JOSM NoFeature Mappaint style. It can be selected from the JOSM
> Mappaint Preferences.
> This Style shows the key-value combinations I selected for my OSM data
> analysis.  I invite HOT Validators to use this style and test it while
> validating data.
> We also have access to  dynamic data (ie data created, modified,
> deleted).  I will analyze more in detail and try to identify patterns.
> Monitoring semantic quality of data produced can help to correct rapidly,
> revise instructions, etc.
> This two day workshop is a great opportunity to discuss with other Digital
> Humanitarian Network contributors and thanks to Per Aarvik from SBTF and
> Bergen Universiy who organized this workshop.
> Pierre
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