Hi, Satoshi:

The good thing I see is that it is really easy to get the file (no
need of writing any query).

But it updates the files only once in a month, that can be a problem
for people who want the updated OSM boundaries. Also, being only
geojson is maybe not what many people want.

Cheers, and have a nice week,


On 09/11/15 00:16, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
> Hello,
> What about Mapzen's boundary extract? Format is GeoJSON.
> https://mapzen.com/data/borders/
> Regards,
> 2015-11-09 6:13 GMT+09:00 Dale Kunce <dale.ku...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:dale.ku...@gmail.com>>:
> Samuel, There is this service I discovered a few days ago.
> https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/
> Can't speak to its quality yet though.
> Dale
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Rafael Avila Coya 
> <ravilac...@gmail.com <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi, Samuel:
> Here you have an overpass query to get all boundary relations for
> all states, LGA's and wards of Nigeria, with the admin_centre's
> and label of each relation when available:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxp
> If you want Nigeria country boundary relation too, just change 
> "4|6|8" by "2|4|6|8". In case you want for example only states and 
> LGA's, just do "4|6", and so on.
> In case you want only the boundaries for a certain state, you can
> use this query (this example is for Kano state): 
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxt
> In case you don't want the admin_centre's nor labels nodes of any 
> relation, you have to run a different query. This one is for Kano: 
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cxs
> Whenever possible, I advise to use area codes instead names. For 
> example, Niger is the name of a state in Central Nigeria, but it's 
> also the name of Nigerias north neighbour country: Niger.
> Getting the area code is simple: go to osm.org <http://osm.org>, 
> search for the area you are interested in (example Niger), get the
> relation id we want (in our case, let's say we want Nigeria's Niger
> state relation id, so we click in "State Boundary Niger, Nigeria"
> link, not in "country, Niger"), and then we copy it's id (in our
> example 3718384), and we add 3600000000 + 3718384 = 3603718384
> <tel:3603718384> to get the Niger state area code for overpass
> queries: (area:3603718384 <tel:3603718384>)
> To avoid a query to overload your web browser, instead of hitting 
> "run" button, click in "Export" button instead. There, go to
> "Query" and then click on "compact" in the "convert to (compact)
> OverpassQL" link. That will open a new window with a compact
> OverpassQL link. Click on it and it will make the query and
> download directly in your file system the result of the query. For
> example, for the last example query (Kano state boundaries without
> admin_centre's nor labels), the link is like this one: 
> http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=%5Btimeout%3A250%5D%3B%28relation%5B%22boundary%22%3D%22administrative%22%5D%5B%22admin%5Flevel%22%7E%224%7C6%7C8%22%5D%28area%3A3603710302%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2ErelBoundary%3B%28way%28r%2ErelBoundary%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2EwaysBoundary%3B%28node%28w%2EwaysBoundary%29%3B%29%2D%3E%2EnodesBoundary%3B%28%2ErelBoundary%3B%2EwaysBoundary%3B%2EnodesBoundary%3B%29%3Bout%20meta%3B%0A
>  If you need any more sofisticated query, just let us know:
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 08/11/15 12:00, Samuel Aiyeoribe wrote:
>> Hello HOTties,
>> Please does anyone know of a service for extracting/downloading 
>> OSM Admin Boundary that one can fork and host myself and also 
>> available on github.
>> Looking forward to your reply.
>> Cheers
>> Samuel
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> Dale Kunce http://normalhabit.com
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> -- Satoshi IIDA mail: nyamp...@gmail.com
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