You're right, Nick. That is what we agreed on for Lubumbashi. I'll update
the tasks.

Thanks (and thanks to your trainee mapper),


On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Nick Allen <> wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> I've been contacted by one of the mappers I've been training, concerned
> because he had one of his squares invalidated. He's been working away at
> the Lubumbashi tasks involving the tracing of buildings. [1]
> From conversations I've had with you, and others involved in the mapping
> of the areas, I've been teaching (& validating), on the basis that a
> building without a roof can easily become a building with a roof. I seem to
> remember from previous conversations that the arguments go something like;
>    - 1/. It only takes a short time to put a thatched or corrugated iron
>    roof on the walls. The roof may be on the building before the tracing is
>    complete.
>    - 2/. Even though there is no roof on the top floor, there may be
>    lower floors in occupation, and the building may even still be occupied
>    without a roof,
>    - 3/. When the ground survey is being carried out, the surveyor can
>    get OSM updated with the correct status - but it helps them if the building
>    shows up on OSM & on the printouts.
> I've had a read through the instructions for the projects, and through the
> wiki page for buildings [2] for clarification.
> Could you have a quick review and perhaps update the instructions for the
> projects if you feel that is needed, or just reply to this email. I'm happy
> to contact the validator concerned once I've clarified that the
> instructions have not altered.
> [1]
> [2]
> Regards
> --
> Nick
> HOT member 'Tallguy' for
> <>
> <>
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