I spent a few hours trying to get started on Task #1245 Burkina Faso, consolidated mapping, Base Roads Check <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1245> last night, but gave up in the end. I had two problems (with another down the line, probably):

-- I had forgotten, if I ever knew, how to add presets in JOSM. It didn't help that I muddled presets and plugins in my mind. A couple of sentences should be added to say how to do this. I don't mind updating that part of the Wiki, assuming I have the authority.

-- The second point is that the instructions usually provide a URL for the imagery to be ysed. I couldn't find any such URL. As a general comment, the gRoads link is to to a text description, and if you do a lot of link-following from there you eventually get to the database gRoads uses. But I don't think that is what the project activators intended.

-- It's not clear what that preset is for. You probably need a few lines explaining that.

I believe these comments also apply to two or three sister tasks.

Tom Taylor

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