Good morning HOT Tasking Manger community,

I was redirected to your group for the Tasking Manager application. Basically 
we are looking for some web tools like TM for our crowdsourcing data collection 

The tool should have the following capabilities:

1.       Allow the admin to invite the community for their contribution to the 
data collection using open source data (OSM),

2.       Define the feature types and data model for data collection,

3.       Create and assign job task area grids to user community,

4.       Monitor the data collection progress from contributors,

5.       Download & export the collected geo-data.

A preliminary research on your website led me to 
your group since I only found some guide on how to use the tasking manager but 
no such a document on how to set up and admin a new project using Tasking 

My question here is if we wanted to initiate our test project, how can we set 
up a project (within Canada) with an admin privilege? Should we download the 
source code from GitHub and deploy it in our environment (if so, what is the 
typical deployment environment) or your group can help create a new project for 
us? The data collected will be contributed to Open Data community eventually.

Please advise.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!


Hui Wei
Technical Advisor | Conseiller Technique
IT Mapping and GIS services | Services TI de la cartographie et des SIG
Administrative and Dissemination Systems Division | Division des systèmes 
administratifs et de diffusion
Jean Talon Building | Immeuble Jean-Talon / Floor | Étage 3 D-7
Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Statistique Canada | 170, promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Telephone | Téléphone 613-851-6840
Cellular | Cellulaire 613-823-1483

From: Tyler Radford []
Sent: December-23-15 4:58 PM
To: Wei, Hui (STATCAN) <<>>
Subject: Re: [info-hotosm] Re: HOT Task Manager

Hi Hui,

We have a "dev" tasking manager that you can experiment with. For more info, 
please email<> with 
details about your request, and someone in our existing community of project 
managers will get back to you.


Tyler Radford
Executive Director
U.S. mobile: +1 617.285.2009

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development
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On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Wei, Hui (STATCAN) 
<<>> wrote:
Dear HOT group,

We are looking into open source applications like Task Manager for our crowd 
sourcing data collection proposal.
Any resources that I can find to create a project for our pilot technical 



Hui Wei
Technical Advisor | Conseiller Technique
IT Mapping and GIS services | Services TI de la cartographie et des SIG
Administrative and Dissemination Systems Division | Division des systèmes 
administratifs et de diffusion
Jean Talon Building | Immeuble Jean-Talon / Floor | Étage 3 D-7
Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Statistique Canada | 170, promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6<>
Telephone | Téléphone 613-851-6840<tel:613-851-6840>
Cellular | Cellulaire 613-823-1483<tel:613-823-1483>

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