Wonderful job, Francesco. As italian I really appreciate what you and your
spouse are doing for that Country.


Il giorno lun 4 gen 2016 16:04 Francesco Giunta <giunta.france...@gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> Hi HOT! Hope everyone had a great holiday!  As mentioned before I'm in
> Burkina Faso for the first H2OpenMap campaign. The direct survey, with the
> help of local communities look working pretty fine even if drain our energy
> faster than I expected. In last 4 days we walked for 18km and drive for
> 53.4km. During that traks we finds 57 water resources in 3 villages. 11
> water tap and 45 water wells. Almost the alf of them are in deficient
> conditions and doesn't give water. The first goal of this mission to test
> the method we've setting up seems close to be reached. I'm excited to share
> results and considérations with OSM and HOT community of Burkina Faso.
> Hope to see you soon.
> Best regards Francesco, rasmata onlus.
> Il 22/feb/2015 20:34 "Francesco Giunta" <giunta.france...@gmail.com> ha
> scritto:
>> Hi everyone, I'm Francesco, a volunteer of a small NGO based in Italy
>> that work in west Africa (www.rasmataonlus.org).
>> In 2015 our goal is to make an OSM based map of water wells in the region
>> of our project and after that, drill one water well.
>> I would like to do:
>>    - search Open Data useful in web (Existing water wells, healt
>>    structures, schools, ...) from different sources as institutional web 
>> sites
>>    NGO web sites etc.
>>    - put those data in OSM
>>    - generate a leaflet map of this selected Data and make some useful
>>    visualization
>>    - make a ground mapping campaign of our project region following
>>    OSM/HOT taxonomy
>>    - correct and improver the map of the area object of the project
>>    - share work flow method hoping some other NGO will do it in another
>>    area and others after... until having a useful map of water wells (and
>>    other useful markers as hospitals, etc.)
>> I'm not geographer and my computer/coding skill is very very elementary.
>> I think is a good idea to share my project with HOT community and any info
>> it will be a great help.
>> Thank you for your time, Francesco
>> Francesco Giunta
>> giunta.france...@gmail.com
>> www.francescogiunta.com
>> www.rasmataonlus.org
>> skype: giunta.francesco
>> cell: +39 339 3793 821
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