Hi all,

I don't write very frequently, so as a bit of background I'm a U.S. Army
officer.  Currently I head intelligence and geospatial support for a
theater engineer brigade.  One of the focal points not only of my unit, but
higher headquarters is disaster relief.  I found out about this mailing
list during the Nepal earthquakes, and it's definitely been very insightful.

What's become clear to me is for a variety of reasons, our current
geospatial equipment is not a good fit for these types of tasks.  Since I
come from a tech background, I'm interested in coming up with a solution to

The specific scenario I'm contemplating is the equipment necessary to
deploy a team of 8 GIS analysts to read out imagery, create maps and other
products, and host them on a server accessible to recovery teams and other
parties, both U.S. government, partners, and NGOs.

The permissions piece is a separate and complicated process, but I was
wondering if based on specific experiences anyone can share lessons learned
and recommend either software or hardware to accomplish this (preferably
stuff with real world HA/DR usage).

The U.S. Army trains geospatial analysts in ArcGIS, so I think at least on
the client end I'd be looking at Windows, ArcGIS, and ? to read out imagery
to HOT?  On the server end it seems like there's more flexibility.

Thanks in advance for your input.  Hopefully if I can see this project to
completion it could mean closer interaction with your efforts in the future.


Dion A. Houston Sr.
HOT mailing list

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