FOSDEM was great, but I hope the sessions that interested me where video
taped. I only got to see Blake's presentation, which was splendid.

The rest of the time I was helping out at the HOT stand. Next year we
should ask for 2 tables and preferably in the K building... It was cold in
the H building next to the door, even when it wasn't even freezing outside.

I did manage to go get some goodies from the other stands, and I think we
should soffer something like hoodies like LibreOffice have. They are useful
when going out for mapping. Another item could be these fluo vests. Would
it make sense to have some of those made for SOTM 2016?

Sorry for highjacking the thread. I watched the video. The TM seems to be
implemented really well, definitely a good foundation. Now I'll have to
find time to help improve it...

@Ben, let me know when we can sit together for a small hackathon :-)

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