On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 5:35 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maperthons are nice in that you get a lot of people but for data quality
> first time mappers aren't the best
I have run a number of mapathons and I have started going in to the project
after the event and validating work that I believe was done by people that
attended the mapathon (one can kind of match up real names with usernames
and/or use the time stamp of when the task was marked complete in the
tasking manager). It has given me some insight as to what to emphasize in
the mapathon instructions/training.

> and their productivity isn't anywhere near some of the more experienced
> mappers using JOSM.
I view the function of mapathons not so much for mapping (although we do
that of course), but to introduce people to OSM and humanitarian mapping so
hopefully they will continue to do this on their own. We don't want people
producing bad data, but small amounts of good data is ok if it means they
are being introduced to the project, having fun, and getting a sense that
they are contributing to a great cause.

> What isn't mentioned here is the feedback, it is important getting the
> tone right makes the difference between getting someone to map correctly in
> the future or saying forget this I'm off to play badminton.
Yes!  It is very discouraging for anyone, let alone a new mapper, to get a
negative comment. I always first tell them what they did right, and then
suggest ways they could do even better in the future. Also, if there area
only a few things wrong I fix them, validate the task, and then leave

However what is the best way to give specific feedback to mappers when
validating? One can leave a comment in the task manager, such as "... some
buildings were missed", but they will not know which ones. I could drop a
note on an example, but do new mappers know about notes?

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