Hi Dion,

The earliest pbf extract from geofabrik is Jan-2014, click raw
directory index: http://download.geofabrik.de/asia/philippines.html#
This is ~ 2months after the typhoon and might be a good proxy date.
Around Feb 2014, I started my fieldwork in Haiyan areas and I started
fixing a lot of data since then.  The Jan 2014 extract is probably the
closest timestamp you can get for mostly remote mapping that happened.

On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 12:31 AM, Dion Houston <dionhous...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick responses.  I clearly had a misunderstanding previously
> that HOT data was separated from the main database.  I'm delighted it's
> there (and the fact that it's timestamped is cool).
> Pierre, you hit a good button with me.  I am fairly proficient both with
> query languages and XML :)  Think that'll get what I need.
> Russell, my sister unit is the Defense Coordinating Element here, so I'm
> definitely interested overall.  There are some nuances, though, so I'm going
> to focus on this first and get back to you.  One of the really neat things
> about this list is the great variety of backgrounds.
> If there's anyone else that can advise on information handy to track in an
> austere environment I appreciate any other input as well.
> Thanks!
> Dion
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 7:23 AM, Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> Dion Houston wrote :
>> I'm preparing a demonstration of a capability I'd like to deploy
>> immediately for US military disaster relief operations in the Pacific.
>> Essentially I have geospatial analysts that are immediately deployable,
>> and
>> GeoSHAPE (geoshape.org) that provides a user friendly portal as well as
>> GIS
>> services.
>> For this first demonstration, I'd like to simulate a single analyst
>> deploying with the initial US response, setting up a geospatial portal in
>> an offline environment.
>> Hi Dion
>> I did not save OSM Planet files while coordinating for the Hayian
>> Activation. But the Overpass Query platform might be an interesting platform
>> to prepare. You can extract history for a specific date. You can also either
>> extract all nodes, ways and relations or select some layers providing the
>> specific tags you want.
>> The link below will provide you the script to extract for highways layer
>> on 2013-11-17T00:00:00Z (00:00:00Z=midnight).
>> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/fY7
>> Query with Overpass is trial an error. If you click on the Execute button,
>> the data is provided in the browser. If you choose a zone that is too large,
>> you will have memory problems. If you have a time out , choose a smaller
>> zone, zooming in.
>> To avoid memory problems, the best is to export the data. You can select
>> to export the data either to JOSM or the Overpass API. In this case, you
>> will be requeste to save the file named interpreter on your computer. Simply
>> rename it adding the extension .osm
>> you could also select other features, replacing the ["highway"] tag
>> ["amenity"="school"]
>> [landuse"]
>> [building].
>> If you want all features, simply remove the ["highway"] tag in the query.
>> Dont hesitate to contact me personnaly for more infos.
>> regard
>> Pierre
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