Thank you Blake for managing the original updates while I got some badly
needed sleep.

Everyone, I’ve worked in Sri Lanka on and off for the past year and can
testify that a lot of my friends and co-workers are suffering from the
flooding. My Facebook is full of pictures of cars and houses swamped by
water. It’s also full of people doing good work, including from the
government side. It’s not just the obvious response tasks either: I saw
some great photos just this morning of the local roads authority battling
out in the rains to mark roads with poles so others could navigate and not
get lost.

Point is, Sri Lanka’s government is exactly the kind of strong partner HOT
wants to work with in these emergencies. The Disaster Management Centre of
Sri Lanka is very keen on OpenStreetMap and has invested a lot of effort
over the past few years to figure out how to use OSM for emergency
preparedness. If the HOT community can come together and show them how
useful it is for emergency response as well that would be fantastic.

I hope all of you can find the time to map a little. From my side I’ll try
to make that as easy and productive as possible. Anyone who wants to join
the activation team can just email me and Mikel — we’ll get them added to
the various coordination resources.

Thanks in advance HOT community!

- Robert

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 3:39 AM Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <> wrote:

> I should have mentioned, please share this via your social media channels.
> Here is a tweet from HOT to re-tweet:
> Regards,
> Blake
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Blake Girardot
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
> skype: jblakegirardot
> HOT Core Team Contact:
> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:52 PM, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
> <> wrote:
> > Sri Lanka has been hit in the past few days by flooding:
> >
> >
> > HOT has been asked to activate and immediately start tracing buildings
> > by the Disaster Management Center (DMC) of Sri Lanka, who work closely
> > with World Bank GFDRR. They are in urgent need of detailed housing
> > unit information.
> >
> > There are links on the HOT Tasking Manager:
> >
> >
> > This is the earliest phase of response so we are actively working to
> > find other actors on the ground that the HOT Community can collect and
> > provide geo data for. This means that you should check the front page
> > of the tasking manager often, different jobs to support different
> > ground activities might be coming up.
> >
> > HOT members Robert Banick and Mikel Maron will be leading HOT's
> > response to this crisis. They can be contacted at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > For more information visit the 2016 Sri Lanka Floods wiki-page:
> >
> >
> > If you’d like to help with coordination, speak up, and we’ll bring you
> > into the Slack channel and Trello.
> >
> > Regretfully,
> > Blake
> > ----------------------------------------------------
> > Blake Girardot
> > Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> > President, HOT Board of Directors
> > skype: jblakegirardot
> > HOT Core Team Contact:
> _______________________________________________
> HOT mailing list
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