Hi Chamal,


I’m not sure exactly what you mean by ‘get the OSM data…as a layer’, but yes, 
generally all the data in OpenStreetMap is openly available. See 
for some links and information to various export services and other information 
on generally how to get and use OSM data.


Let us know if that doesn’t answer your question,



From: Chamal Nanayakkara [mailto:chamal.y...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 4:13 AM
To: hot@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [HOT] Getting HOT data as a layer for Sahana


Hi guys,


A friend of mine is currently working on a Sahana deployment in Sri Lanka, and 
he wants to know if they can get the OSM data being aggregated through HOT as a 
layer. If anyone can provide any contacts for getting this done, that'd be 
great too. If there is a possibility, please let me know or you can contact him 
directly: Ramindu Deshapriya (rasad...@gmail.com)


Thanks and regards,

Chamal Nanayakkara

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