This discussion leads to a lot of potential ideas.

they mention OSM in text, but it was not clear to me how OSM data was involved.

About the only feature I can think of is airports, but I could almost
see it using the current tagged airports or helipads (real heli pads,
with an H) as examples to then search a much much larger area for
similar features to review.

At the very least it would be sweet if it could use the osm data to
remote control to josm to look at those example areas and all the
matching areas it found.

or just highlight some tight rectangles or circle around the aerial
imagery of examples of a thing to search for  (heli pads for example)
and let it find everything like that, click, josm to review

I am sure I am not explaining that very well.

Probably not possible to search for radio or transmission towers or
masts, but it would very impressive if it did with a high accuracy.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 5:09 PM, joost schouppe
<> wrote:
> It is not, at least not at this time. For example, I tried finding airports
> by clicking on a plane. It returns some planes and a lot of asphalt. It
> might however be useful to quickly identify a very rough outline of built up
> land or roads. In my case: airports did show up as hotspots. So it might be
> useful to direct mapping activity.
> 2016-05-26 16:51 GMT+02:00 Paul Uithol <>:
>> That sounds quite interesting - I'm wondering if it could be accurate
>> enough to use as a tool for automatically tracing/classifying/tagging
>> features based on imagery in some scenarios? I imagine the error rate would
>> be quite a lot higher than with proper mapping, but in some situations
>> having a fast initial assessment (before focusing on accuracy) is useful?
>> On 26-05-2016 12:57, Martin Dittus wrote:
>> Made the rounds on social media yesterday, I imagine a few of you have
>> already seen it.
>> It’s a visual search for aerial imagery — "a prototype for helping people
>> quickly scan extremely large geographical areas for specific visual
>> features”. You mark a desired feature, it finds all other occurrences.
>> Their case studies mention OSM as a source data set, but they don’t yet
>> appear to be talking to anyone at HOT? "Terrapattern was only possible due
>> to the astonishing crowdsourced mapping effort of the OpenStreetMap project,
>> which has generously categorized large parts of the world with its Nominatim
>> taxonomy”.
>> m.
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