Thank you for sharing that John.

This "GIS for Public Health Professionals Intro" course pays for all hotel
and meal costs but does not pay travel to and from Accra, Ghana and is only
available to people from Burkina Faso, Chad, Egypt, Ghana, Liberia, Mali,
Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, or Togo.

If this looks like a good opportunity for you the deadline is June 5th,

Please pass it on to anyone you think might be interested and share via
social media.

Thanks again John


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 12:23 AM, John Gordon <> wrote:

> This workshop may be of interest.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Accepting applications for Regional Health Data Mapping Workshop
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 13:05:25 +0000
> From: The DHS Program <> <>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> [image: The DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys) Program]
> <>
> Now Accepting Applications for Regional Health Data Mapping Workshop Until
> June 5, 2016
> The DHS Program is searching for potential participants for a Regional
> Health Data Mapping Workshop. The workshop will be held from August 8-12,
> 2016, in Accra, Ghana.
> The workshop will focus on the application of Geographic Information
> System (GIS) in public health, specifically using maps for better program
> and policy decision making. This will be a basic workshop that introduces
> participants to data concepts including management and cleaning of data in
> Microsoft Excel, using maps as part of the decision making process,
> introduction to GIS concepts (including GPS data collection), and hands-on
> introduction to QGIS, an open source GIS software package. No previous
> experience with GIS software is required.
> Read more>>
> <>
> Employment Opportunities
> The DHS Program is hiring a Survey Manager and Data Processing Specialist. 
> Read
> more>>
> <>
> New Publications
>    - 2015
> <>Afghanistan
>    DHS
> <>:
>    Key Indicators Report (English)
>    - 2014-15
> <>Rwanda
>    DHS
> <>:
>    Key Findings, Reading DHS Tables, Infographic, Fact Sheet, Final Report
>    (English)
>    - 2015
> <>Nepal
>    SPA
> <>:
>    Preliminary Report (English)
>    - 2015
> <>Kenya
>    MIS
> <>:
>    Reading MIS Tables, Infographic, Fact Sheet, Final Report (English)
> New Datasets
>    - 2014-15 Rwanda DHS
> <>
>    - 2014 Bangladesh SPA
> <>
>    - 2014-15 Tanzania SPA
> <>
>    - 2015 Kenya MIS
> <>
> New Videos
>    - 2014-15 Tanzania SPA Key Findings
> <>
>    - Key Findings from the 2015 Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey
> <>
> Visit The
> <>DHS
> Program YouTube Channel
> <>
>  to
> watch and learn about tutorials, DHS experts, and more.
> The DHS Program Blog
>    - Building Awareness of the Link between Fistula and Gender-Based
>    Violence
> <>
>    - Spotlight on New Staff: Lindsay Mallick
> <>
>    - The Vaccination Landscape: Changes and Challenges
> <>
>    - From the Field: 2014-15 Uganda Malaria Indicator Survey (UMIS) Team
> <>
>    - How Many Demographers Does It Take to Make a Great Visualization?
> <>
>    - Measuring health care: The Service Provision Assessment Survey
> <>
>    - Model Datasets to the Rescue
> <>
> Visit The DHS Program Blog
> <>
> and subscribe
> <>for
> the latest updates.
> DHS in the News
> *May 18, 2016 – THE DAILY STAR (Dhaka, Bangladesh).* Best strategies to
> empower girls. Read full article>>
> <>
> *May 17, 2016* *– WADSAM (Afghanistan). *First-Ever Demographic and
> Health Survey Completed in Afghanistan; Children's Survival Improving. Read
> full article>>
> <>
> *May 10, 2016 – THE NEW TIMES (Kigali, Rwanda).* Fertility rates decline
> among Rwandan women - survey. Read full article>>
> <>
> *April 26, 2016 – DAILY NATION (Nairobi, Kenya).* Concern as malaria
> cases on the rise in Coast region. Read full article>>
> <>
> Visit the DHS News Room to get a sample of DHS in the News.
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> The DHS Program is funded by USAID and implemented by ICF International.
> For more information, please visit
> <>
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> The DHS Program/ICF International · 530 Gaither Road · Suite 500 ·
> Rockville, MD 20850 · USA
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