Truly an incredible response -- made so strong by the relationships built over 
years in Sri Lanka, facilitated by GFDRR
Mapbox's take:
* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron 

    On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 11:50 AM, Robert Banick <> wrote:

 Hello everyone,
Greetings from Sri Lanka.
We are closing the HOT Sri Lanka Activation today. We are no longer receiving 
requests for support from the Disaster Management Centre of Sri Lanka (DMC) and 
the actual floodwaters have receded, meaning there is no more immediate crisis 
to respond to.
This was a very successful activation. We’ve received many notes of 
appreciation from our friends in the Sri Lankan government: I was thanked in 
person today by the DMC’s Research and Technology Director and asked to work 
with OSM data for assessing the strength of the DMC’s response. OSM data was 
used to evaluate the impact of the floods and communicate it to other 
government responders / the Sri Lankan press. I am working to secure the 
release of some of the resulting maps so you all can see for yourselves. I also 
expect that in the future HOT will be asked to support disaster responses in 
Sri Lanka.
There’s a lot of thanks to go around for such a successful activation. My 
co-leads Blake Girardot and Mikel Maron did a lot to make this activation work 
smoothly, as did Russell Deffner, particularly in the early crazy stages of the 
activation. The Mapbox team with Sajjad Anwar and Maning Sambale, the Kathmandu 
Living Labs team with Megha Shrestha and a bunch of mapathons (most notably 
Nimalika Fernando’s mapathon at SLIIT in Sri Lanka, *in the flood zone*) helped 
immensely to get tasks mapped and validated in the early days. Finally thanks 
to Mapbox and the US Dept. of State for providing us useful imagery during the 
response. We couldn't have done this without them.
Most importantly, HOT volunteers from around the globe did what they did best, 
mapping and validating a huge area at a really impressive pace. Thank you so 
much to every one of you who contributed.
We may continue to post tasks related to future preparedness in and around the 
flood zone as requested by the DMC. Because these will fall outside a disaster 
event we will handle them outside an activation. Please contribute when you 
can! The DMC has become quite a believer in OSM data and hopes to use it more 
for preparedness purposes too.
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