Hi guys, how are you?

Accenture employees have organised a follow-the-sun mapping party this week
to help with Missing Maps tasks. There will be a lot of them altogether
working on tasks in Chad and Nigeria from Thursday to Friday in various
Accenture offices around the world.

If any of you have time to drop by the TM and do some validation, it would
be much appreciated. The Chad projects will be found at
Nigeria projects will be found at
(Both have projects in draft that will be published closer to the time)

Accenture have been a great partner for MSF in the Missing Maps project.
Employees have been organising in-house mapping parties for many months and
spreading the word on HOT and OSM throughout the organisation. This has
been very much a partnership built from the ground up as employees got
involved through our public mapathons in London and took the idea into
their work.

Any questions, feel free to give me a shout...


*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>

*@pedrito1414* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
*@theMissingMaps* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
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