I promised (and stuck to it) that I wouldn't spam you all with tales of the
openstreetamp heros of Lesotho and their exploits in the month of June.

Summary of what happened so far: there has been a single modem loaded with
credit travelling all over Lesotho's ten districts and stopping for two
days in each place including Colleges and municipal Government offices. The
unfortunate device went the wrong direction one day while leaving Leribe,
then got stuck in a snowbound mountain pass at Thaba Tseka, and with so
many nodes pushed through it there's a chance it could overheat and
explode, but let's hope not until July 1st.

Summary of the next few days: there are mapathons in Qacha's Nek task#1939,
Mafeteng task#1938 and Mohale's Hoek task#1942 in the next two days. On
Thursday all the local mapathons are sending people to the capital for a
bigger mapathon to wrap it all up. There will be shouts of #MapLesotho all
over twitter. If you support the idea of a small country doing it (mostly)
with their local community then join in.

I'm proud to be associated with @Tshedy4 @Nu_Lineo @thokoane and @moliph,
please give them a clap on twitter. Oh, ....did I mention the prize we
chase? A better planned and built environment and land management in a
country that barely had a good paper map two years ago.

Ciarán aka DeBigC
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