Hi all:

I've created two new projects for Singida [1] and Kagera [2] regions.

At the moment, there are 6 finished projects and 5 still available for importing/mapping [3].

You can search all the import projects here: [4].

And, by the way: Kagera region makes the project 2000 of the Tasking Manager! ;)

Some stats (by 2nd July 2016) of this Tanzania MSD&JSI roads import:

number of imported ways: 10,679

number of imported nodes: 230,996

total length of all imported highways: 23,429.521 km

By type and number of ways:

highway         Number of ways
-------         --------------
residential     4,637 (43.42%)
unclassified    2,228 (20.86%)
service         1,392 (13.03%)
tertiary          895  (8.38%)
road              876  (8.20%)
secondary         230  (2.15%)
track             226  (2.12%)
primary           106  (0.99%)
trunk              51  (0.48%)
footway            25  (0.23%)
path                6  (0.06%)
tertiary_link       5  (0.05%)
pedestrian          1  (0.01%)
secondary_link      1  (0.01%)
TOTAL          10,679

By type and total length:

highway         Total length (km)
-------         -----------------
unclassified    9,588.253 (40.92%)
tertiary        6,666.077 (28.45%)
residential     2,094.698  (8.94%)
secondary       1,918.898  (8.19%)
road            1,574.874  (6.72%)
track             514.754  (2.20%)
trunk             429.954  (1.84%)
primary           418.265  (1.79%)
service           176.017  (0.75%)
footway            44.665  (0.19%)
path                2.395  (0.01%)
tertiary_link       0.367  (0.00%)
pedestrian          0.283  (0.00%)
secondary_link      0.021  (0.00%)
TOTAL          23,429.521

My big thanks to all volunteers who have contributed so far!

Happy mapping,


[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1999
[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2000
[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Tanzania/Tanzania_MSD_%26_JSI_road_import_workflow#Getting_OSM_data_and_MSD.26JSI_road_segments [4] http://tasks.hotosm.org/?sort_by=priority&direction=asc&search=tanzania+road+import

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