Hi all,

A major Swaziland malaria spraying opportunity is coming up and the
folks from the Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI) within the Global
Health Group at the University of California, San Francisco are asking
that we help them with the final section of Swaziland that has not
been mapped yet to aid in their program planning.

We have laid out 7 Tasking Manager projects to get this accomplished,
2 of which are almost complete.

The HOT Community has already mapped 2/3's of Swaziland (wow, thank
you!) and this final section is needed to complete a full country wide
building footprint map.

If you can find some time this week and next to help us get this final
section completed, you will be part of an amazing effort to map all of
Swaziland in such a sort time to help them eliminate malaria in 2016.

They are very close to their goal and building footprints help their
efforts greatly, aiding them to precisely plan their spraying and net
distribution campaigns over large land areas efficiently and
comprehensively among other uses. But now it is about planning, and
the building footprints are one of their best tools for that.

So please, join with the MEI folks, volunteers and other public health
pros who will be mapping along with you all this week and next to get
this last section done. (It is that important.)


And please help spread the word:


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