Is this in areas with dense structures and instead of trying to trace each
building the mapper has just traced around the entire group? Or the mapper
has just incorrectly used the building key when they should use the landuse
key? If the area is particularly large I would think the JOSM validation
process might flag the issue via a 'building inside building' error or some
sort of features overlapping/crossing error.

If multiple mappers from the same mapathon make the mistake, it may be
productive to reach out to the mapathon organizer and ask them to spend a
little more time at their next event going over how to map buildings and
tag them correctly.

While some mapathon mappers do only map once and never again. Mapathons are
a great way to introduce people to OSM and also result in long-term

All the best,

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 2:48 PM, john whelan <> wrote:

> When validating I'm seeing number of cases when building=yes, residential
> or house is used to tag landuse=residential.
> Going through a to-do list and checking every building doesn't cut it for
> me.
> In general these are maperthon mappers of the type I call disposable
> mappers so leaving feedback really doesn't work.  They map once and that's
> about it.
> Any suggestions on how to catch them.  I have noticed that
> building=residential is often used in this way.  Having smaller tiles helps
> as you get fewer mappers completing the tiles and once I spot one by a
> particular mapper then I can roll out the to-do list plugin.
> Thanks John
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