The linked task covers an enormous area, not only are the task squares
themselves very big but the bounds of the entire task are quite large as
well.  It is not going to be possible to do meaningful map coverage over
such a large area in the time in which the data would be relevant to
first responders.

Therefore we will need to focus the efforts to a smaller region to have
a more concentrated mapping effort.  According to the most recent
WunderGround blog the eye of the storm passed over the city of Cabo San
Lucas, this seems like a reasonable place to start the efforts unless
someone has a better suggestion.

Secondly, does anyone have contacts with ground personnel who might be
responding?  I know we have some contact with the Mexican government
after the previous hurricane response there, have they asked us for
anything specific?

Fortunately the damage does not seem too severe from initial reports but
it may be worth doing some mapping in the more affected areas if people
are interested.


On 09/06/2016 07:58 PM, Miriam Mapanauta wrote:
> Hi Hot team
> Hurricane Newton is hitting  Baja California Sur and the state of Sonora.
> Besides the harm that a hurricane can cause there are big risks of flooding
> in different areas.
> A colleague in the OpenStreetMap community in Mexico, Alberto Chung (cc)
> reacted in advance and prepared the following Task to start mapping the
> area. Please find the task below.
> Thanks in advance for your support!
> Miriam
> @mapanauta
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Miriam Mapanauta <>
> wrote:
>> Hi HOT team
>> This is a heads up,  Hurricane Newton is hitting south of Baja California
>> Sur (around Los Cabos) and the cost of the State of Sonora.
>> Other volunteers from Mexico and myself are preparing the Wiki and we are
>> trying to determine the areas that will need support.
>> Stay tuned!
>> Thanks in advance for your support,
>> Miriam
>> @mapanauta
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