a few days ago, I have got the same problems. And i have advised the Activation Working Group. But until that moment, nothing

Le 20/09/2016 à 09:42, Claire Halleux a écrit :
Hi everyone,

Since last Saturday, all exports tried for Kinshasa in shapefile format are including only a very partial amount of the objects in the AOI. The other export formats are working though. The issue was replicated using both the HDM and the OSM shema, and both the thematic and the normal shp export. For instance, see http://export.hotosm.org/fr/exports/98e54098-b025-4643-b311-610b414251b5/

We are going to use QGIS for the current urgent needs, but guess that it could be useful to have this issue solved.

Suggestions welcome.
Thank you.


Claire Halleux
+243 81 611 6998 (Kinshasa, DRC)
OpenStreetMap RDC


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