On 2016-10-01 03:56 PM, Mike Thompson wrote:

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 7:26 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com <mailto:jwhelan0...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    You might like to think in terms of data quality.  Number of
    mappers is interesting I've seen 20 new maperthon mappers not
    finish a single tile between them and I've seen a team of three
    JOSM mappers map a project very quickly doing about 90% of the
    project the other 10% was done by other mappers.

John, I completely agree. For this presentation I am just trying to get the message across that humanitarian mapping in OSM is of significant size.

The ballpark figure that I use is that HOT (the organization) + missing maps activity is about 5-15% of total activity. Humanitarian mapping is a bit broader, but probably wouldn't change the numbers much.

Exact figures depend on what you define activity as, but 5-15% is valid for

- Active mappers who have at least 1 HOT changeset
- Total mappers who have at least 1 HOT changeset
- Number of changesets
- New signups who have a HOT changeset

Unless a big focus of your presentation is on activity and how to measure it, I'd just stick with 10% as being approximately right.
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