I think there is a slight problem in that for operational use you need a
trusted source and HOT as it stands with new mappers using iD isn't really

I would suggest that one way to make it a little more bullet proof would be
to include a tag, website perhaps that pointed to a read only web site
under someone's control that confirmed the location and attributes.

There are other methods encryption would be one, two key public and
private.  The site would get a benediction and a encrypted key with
location and attributes would be added that way you wouldn't need an
internet connection.

There are actually a number of places where this would be of value in OSM
so if we can come up with a process it could be applied a little more

Cheerio John

On 7 November 2016 at 10:29, Denis Carriere <carriere.de...@gmail.com>

> During the Nepal earthquake relief effort, mapping HLZs (Helicopter
> Landing Zones) did not seem very coordinated, many factors need to be taken
> into consideration to properly define a HLZ. I can confirm that very little
> of the OpenStreetMap HLZ data was not used for any mission planning by any
> NGO, Government or UN aid during my time in Nepal.
> However, it would be great to open this type of discussion with
> organizations that actively fly helicopters & planes within these affected
> areas. Most of these organizations already have a their own HLZ data with
> tons of precise attributes associated with the particular HLZ & terrain
> data.
> Before any mapping happens, we should properly define a HLZ OSM Wiki page
> to clearly define how to map an HLZ.
> https://gist.github.com/aaronpdennis/b4ce2012749bb025b886 (Humanitarian
> purposed tags)
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Helicopter_landing_zone (Not defined)
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:emergency:helipad (Not defined)
> *@MAF & @MountainChild @KLL: *It would be great to have your input on
> this topic.
> Cheers,
> *~~~~~~*
> *Denis Carriere*
> *GIS Software & Systems Specialist*
> *Twitter: @DenisCarriere <https://twitter.com/DenisCarriere/>*
> *OSM: DenisCarriere <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/DenisCarriere>*
> GitHub: DenisCarriere <https://github.com/DenisCarriere>
> Email: carriere.de...@gmail.com
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <
> blake.girar...@hotosm.org> wrote:
>> Hi Keith,
>> I worked a lot on this issue during the Nepal 2015 response.
>> What you propose sounds great. We had a lot of difficulty trying to do
>> this via the tasking manager for several reasons.
>> I would love to speak with you more about it, maybe we could chat via
>> skype.
>> Cheers,
>> Blake
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Blake Girardot
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>> President, HOT Board of Directors
>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org
>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Keith Darby <keith...@usc.edu> wrote:
>> > All:
>> >
>> > I am a retired Marine Corps Helicopter Pilot, and a current Masters
>> Candidate in GIS Technologies at USC.
>> >
>> > I am working on my thesis, which is based on the premise that
>> crowd-sourced geospatial information, if properly structured, could aid
>> aircrews in surveying potential HLZs for disaster response.
>> >
>> > The work flow would be as follows:
>> >
>> > (1) Helicopter planners and aircrews would select potential HLZs in a
>> disaster-affected region, using whatever mission planning GISystem at their
>> disposal (normally baed on remote sensing data)
>> >
>> > (2) Those proposed HLZs would be uploaded to OSM.
>> >
>> > (3) Volunteers could select one of those HLZs and conduct a
>> ground-truth survey, following a script (that I would develop).
>> >
>> > (4) Those surveys would be uploaded to OSM and validated.
>> >
>> > (5) the Helicopter mission planners and aircrews could use those
>> surveys to select the best zones for disaster relief operations.
>> >
>> > I am looking at using the towns of Honokaa and Waimea on the northern
>> end of the Big Island of Hawaii as my study area, as I live close by, and I
>> have the local Community Emergency Response Team (volunteers) willing to
>> support.
>> >
>> > Who do I need to talk to about getting HOT permission to conduct a
>> limited objective study in this area?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Keith Darby
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>> > HOT@openstreetmap.org
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