Hi all, hope you are all well...

Just want to explain why task 2328 [1 <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2328>]
 is set to high priority on the tasking manager.

Usually, I don't set any Missing Maps projects higher than medium unless
there is an urgent operational need from MSF. This one is slightly
different. We are trialing DG's +Vivid service [2
<http://microsites.digitalglobe.com/interactive/basemap_vivid/>] (and
thanks to DG for the free trial) as a solution to where there is no
coverage in bing on a large scale. This rural area of Masisi was pretty
much unmapped until now.

Originally, the trial was for a few months, but with the yellow fever
outbreak in Kinshasa and Hurricane Matthew, the project (rightly) got
bumped down the list. We now need to wrap this up as our last extension for
access to +Vivid is coming to an end. So, I have graduated it (and one more
like it) to high priority - just thought I should explain as I realise this
bumps other people's projects down the home page.. Thanks for bearing with

And, a huge thanks to all of you that have contributed already. Please feel
free to jump in if you have time!



[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2328
[2] http://microsites.digitalglobe.com/interactive/basemap_vivid/

*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>

*@pedrito1414* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
*@theMissingMaps* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
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