Dear friends,

There has been a lot of talk of a text support chat channel integrated
into the tasking manager and/or iD / JOSM editors.

But there has to be an active friendly supportive place to connect new
mappers to.

I created this slack channel as a first attempt to build a supportive
interested "live" support mechanism.

So, who should join?

Validators / Training People / Mapathon Organizers - You are core
groups of people who care about helping new mappers map well. Catching
things early will be impacted by this channel. Motivation will be
there as the person sought out the help channel. Learning validation
will be there for people who want perform the critical role of

New Mappers - Want a place to ask questions and get expert
professional guidance in near real time?

So let us start building this channel now and connecting new mappers
to it in the near future.

For sure this is not the "only" channel for new mapper support and
discussion of validation, as we saw today, this email list does a very
great job as well, IRC is integrated into Slack so people who try irc
will automatically, anonymously be shared with the slack support

Come, join, please.

General HOT chat. Click Channels on left, join mapper-support:

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

HOT mailing list

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