Dear HOT community,

Today, on behalf of the HOT Fundraising Working Group, I'm excited to
announce our 2016  campaign #mapthedifference.

This year's campaign is about coming together to raise funds for a
micro-grants initiative. Micro-grants will support small but highly
impactful projects carried out by HOT/OSM community leaders. More details
on the application and selection process will be announced in early 2017,
but until then, please check out the video below and help us


Help HOT provide 10 communities with equipment and funding to map
Many of the world's most vulnerable places do not exist on any map. Meet 12
leaders who are working to change that by putting their communities on the
global map for the first time.

You can show your support by starting your own Fundraising Page using the
button below or making a donation today.

*We have 33 days to raise $30,000 in support of this life-changing work in
10 communities.*

*Copyright © 2016 Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email as an individual that has previously shown
interest in HOT's activities.

*Our mailing address is:*
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
1110 Vermont Ave NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

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