Hi Blake. Message below from the head of the MSF UK medical unit...



PS. GHHM is really cool. Read about it here:

Thanks Pete

Jay has posted it on the GHHM course so those attending the course have the

(and gave a plug to missing maps too!)

Thanks to you and the HOT community


On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Blake Girardot <bgirar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> New Year's Greetings!
> This might be of interest to some in the HOT community, although not
> directly related to mapping, it is related to one of most common
> reasons we do map, public health.
> The latest edition of a leading medical textbook on parasite caused
> diseases (like malaria) was published in the last few months and the
> authors have made the PDF version of the textbook available as a free,
> easy download.
> http://www.parasiteswithoutborders.com/parasitic-diseases-6th-edition/
> It is a textbook intended for medical students and is written using
> very technical medical terminology so it is not easy to read even for
> native English speakers who are not in the medical or scientific
> fields. I do a lot of google'ing while I slowly read it.
> This is probably the leading textbook for medical students taking a
> parasitic diseases course and it is quite incredible that the authors
> have found a way to make it available for free. They are very eager
> get this book into the hands of anyone who is interested or can make
> use of the information, regardless of ability to pay for the book.
> Regards,
> Blake
> PS: Two of the authors also do a semi-weekly podcast about parasitic
> diseases, describing in detail an actual case each week and describing
> how the diseases present themselves, life cycle of the parasites,
> diagnostic techniques, treatments, etc.
> http://www.microbeworld.org/podcasts/this-week-in-parasitism
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Blake Girardot
> HOTOSM Member - https://hotosm.org/users/blake_girardot
> skype: jblakegirardot
> Live OSM Mapper-Support channel - https://hotosm-slack.herokuapp.com/
> BE A PART OF HOT'S MICRO GRANTS: https://donate.hotosm.org/
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