The towns don't look that big so mapping them would be quite easy to do,
however nether Bing nor MapBox has imagery of imagery of the area that
is high enough resolution to map them.  If you can find a source of
imagery where the license allows us to use it for tracing then it
shouldn't be difficult but otherwise there may not be much we can do.


On 02/15/2017 01:19 PM, Blossom, Jeffrey C. wrote:
> Hello HOTOSM team,
> I'm Jeff Blossom, a GIS Manager with the Center for Geographic Analysis at 
> Harvard University.
> I'm working with a Dr. Daniel Palazuelos, who is doing a long term health 
> surveillance in West Africa, and has expressed the mapping need below:
> "The recent Ebola epidemic in west Africa  was unprecedented. Critical to the 
> response at that time was accurate mapping of the most affected households in 
> the most affected areas. Partners In Health is a Boston-based nongovernmental 
> organization that began working in Liberia and Sierra Leone to assist in the 
> disaster response at the time, but has now made a long-term commitment to 
> building functioning health systems in these countries so that the next Ebola 
> epidemic does not occur.
> We are looking for volunteers who can help map beneficiary communities in our 
> catchment area, starting with Harper and Pleebo, Liberia.   The goal would 
> then be to use these detailed community maps to create public health 
> strategies where local community health workers  can perform regular outreach 
> campaign to households to be sure that people are healthy, and connected to 
> growing clinical services."
> What is the process to get this mapping request considered?
> Thanks,
> Jeff Blossom
> GIS Service Manager
> Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University
> 1737 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02138
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