Thanks for all your efforts to make Missing Maps a great resource and
congratulations on your new job.

Clifford Snow

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 9:19 AM, Pete Masters <>

> Hello all, I hope you are well...
> Apologies for using the mailing list to send a personal message, but I
> feel like (and hope) it isn't inappropriate.
> My time as coordinator for Missing Maps at MSF is coming to an end - last
> week I accepted a new position within MSF working on innovation process and
> how we better approach field problems and opportunities. I wanted to let
> this community know personally for a few different reasons....
> Firstly, to say thanks for the education. It has been an absolute pleasure
> to work with such a varied bunch of dedicated, passionate and clever
> people. I have been an MSF fanboy for a long time and I am now a HOT and
> OSM fanboy too. My job over the past two and a half years has been to try,
> as much as possible, to find the overlaps and opportunities between these
> two (very different) organisations and communities. As I hope you have
> noticed, I have tried to connect the dots between what the HOT and Missing
> Maps community can do for MSF and the impact that that volunteering has on
> real people (both our staff in the field and our patients).  What you
> probably don't know is that I also evangelise HOT / OSM within MSF - not
> just for the mapping, but for the principles of openness and teamwork and
> sharing that make mapping and collaborating on such a scale possible.
> Secondly, because you should know that what you have accomplished during
> this past two and a half years through HOT activations and Missing Maps
> projects is pretty unprecedented in MSF. Operational people and medical
> people within MSF now *expect* to be able to rely on Missing Maps and HOT
> to deliver data for decision making in the places we work. The quality of
> your work and the dedication you show (often at very short notice) has
> taken the project from a suspiciously viewed, disruptive, unorthodox and
> often misunderstood project in MSF into a tool that the people delivering
> aid on the ground value and want. That's huge.
> Thirdly, I appreciate that there are massive challenges ahead. Discussion
> started by Fred on validation is high up that list. As is the scale of the
> supply and demand from organisations like MSF. As is how we leverage the
> data these organisations are collecting on the ground as part of their
> day-to-day to enrich the OSM database (but including how we do that in a
> resposible and sustainable way). I have no doubt that together we (I fully
> intend to stay a part of the HOT community despite the change in day job)
> can address these challenges and whatever comes after. I would like to
> offer this opportunity to feed back to me any thoughts you may have on the
> future of Missing Maps and MSF or any other feedback you may have.
> Lastly, there is going to be a very cool job available at MSF UK. Not an
> easy job by any means (the phrase jack of all trades doesn't do it
> justice), but a massively fulfilling one. Knowing the talent available
> amongst you, I'd strongly encourage you to take a look when the job is
> advertised.
> That's it really. It's not goodbye by any means and I look forward to
> continuing these discussions beyond the end of my MSF Missing Maps job...
> Apologies for the lack of brevity!
> Cheers,
> Pete
> --
> *Pete Masters*
> Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> +44 7921 781 518 <+44%207921%20781518>
> <>
> *@pedrito1414* <>
> *@theMissingMaps* <>
> **
> <>
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