On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you use 'w' in JOSM there is hardly ever a need to delete user's
> contributions. It's really easy to drag the corners where they need to be,
> then finish of with 'q' to square the building.
> Polyglot

This is a good tip, I forgot about this one for fixing up mapping.

If I do feel the need to re-map from scratch, I do it on a blank
layer, then merge the layer with the existing mapping layer, then use
Replace Geometry for each building pair (old and new). I estimate it
takes only about 10% longer than just totally re-mapping from scratch,
but that is worth it to me to keep the history and original mapper's

Video demonstration of that process: https://youtu.be/Kv5AOmX8M9g

Thanks again Polyglot for reminding us about Improve Way for improving
building mapping.


> 2017-02-26 20:00 GMT+01:00 Russell Deffner <russell.deff...@hotosm.org>:
>> On this topic, there has been concern over validators doing so much
>> deletion of recently mapped objects.  This triggers a few monitoring sites
>> that watch for 'suspicious changesets'; it doesn't mean much in the
>> immediate, but thinking longer term for the OSM project, those algorithms
>> could be used for automatic warnings or blocks.  I think no matter what,
>> we're always going to be dealing with poor mapping, so we should also look
>> at some best practices/rules of thumb for when to delete versus improve a
>> previously mapped feature.  Although I do find myself deleting and
>> re-drawing sometimes, I try to minimize that as there is something to
>> preserving the original mappers contribution.  This can also be an issue for
>> trying to calculate mappers contributions for a mapathon or project if a
>> validator unnecessarily deletes the objects.
>> To quickly touch on project creation; I think roads and
>> settlements/residential areas go well together - they both should be done
>> with larger task squares than for building projects, but not sure it matters
>> too much which one comes first, but for disaster response as an example, I
>> would think roads and settlements are first priority followed by buildings.
>> Happy Mapping,
>> =Russ
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andrew Buck [mailto:andrew.r.b...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 10:20 AM
>> To: hot@openstreetmap.org
>> Subject: Re: [HOT] Could we get more out of our mappers by asking for
>> less?
>> > I think this is a different conversation, I would prefer mappers take a
>> > little more time and care, some buildings I've seen mapped have little
>> > relationship to the size or shape of the building.
>> >
>> > Cheerio John
>> I agree on this.  Especially with respect to buildings.  Roads are
>> fairly easy to add refinements to by doing them one at a time and using
>> the replace geometry tool in JOSM, however poorly mapped buildings take
>> longer to clean up than simply deleting them and mapping them fresh.
>> I would rather see a user add 10 buildings that are high quality then
>> 100 or even 1000 that have to be remapped by someone else.  Having to
>> map something that has already been mapped poorly by someone else is
>> really disheartening.  On the one hand you spend your whole time mapping
>> thinking about how your work is duplicating that of someone else, and on
>> the other hand you feel bad about removing their contribution from the
>> database.  So you get hit with it on both fronts.
>> -AndrewBuck
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Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
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