First, overlapping landuse areas (even different ones) should *always* be
corrected. It brings problems with the map data, I have seen and corrected
areas where the overlapping did hide ponds from the rendered map. The *same*
overlapping area masks some of the problems but should be corrected as well
- either by deleting of one of the areas or by merging both together.

The next question is the landuse *size* in the mapped area.

>From the view of the mapper in Europe, the landuse=residential in HOT is
problematic. The residential area should be only where the region is
used *above
all* for housing people. The HOT use is to mark areas where there are *some*
houses, depending on the project instructions. This ends with a very
problematic rendering of some areas. Visually, you get one big blob of
something most people understand as a town, not the reality of fields and
farms. The very loose residential areas shouldn’t be there at all, IMHO.
Villages/towns boundaries have their own tag, *boundary*. Usually, this is
paired with boundary=administrative which is mostly unusable for HOT
distance mapping because the information isn't available to the mapper. But
nothing speaks against own tag - see here

IMHO, the ideal solution would be to change the HOT practice of mapping
residential areas. Leave landuse=residential only to the areas, where the
buildings are densely packed together (even in a village, where there is
*real* street there might be a residential area) - keeping the common
interpretation. Give the residential area a lower importance than it has
now, and start using the boundary instead, for example boundary=residential
to mark the areas with buildings. A later mapping on the ground or use of
governmental data if available could then change this in real
administrative areas marking the hamlets, villages, and towns where
appropriate and leaving the *residential* boundaries to the rural farm

Ideally, such change would be preceded by discussing on the HOT and tagging
list and followed by updating the wiki definition of a boundary, and by
updating the HOT materials for users. It would need a slight change in JOSM
HOT presets and in the iD editor as well, probably. However, it shouldn’t
be very difficult to do so.

I understand the residential areas are used for getting population density
in the HOT projects. The use of both tags together would be a better
choice, getting the information about sparsely and densely populated areas
at the same time.


On 29 March 2017 at 08:10, Vao Matua
<> wrote:

Nick & John,

Determining where to draw the edge of landuse=residential can be difficult.
Here in Ethiopia most of the population lives in a rural setting where they
farm areas of 1 to 10 hectares in size.
There are places where people live in villages, but often dwellings are
quite dispersed.

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