I'm sorry for having used a four letter word to express how deeply I'm
disappointed that developing a tool to create a rectangle and marking it
building=yes in one go with just 3 mouse clicks takes this long.

This is causing other people to lose countless hours of their precious time
on validating tasks and burning out, like I did.

All the more power to you John for still hanging in there!


2017-04-11 0:31 GMT+02:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com>:

> Hi John,
> I feel your pain. While demoing JOSM to a potential GSoC candidate I
> downloaded a building block in Mozambique. Almost all the buildings were
> tagged area=yes! This is a problem with the iD editor that we reported 18
> months ago and it's up to JOSM validators to resolve them. Life is just too
> short. It's beyond belief that the iD developers cannot get their shit
> straight, even afer all this time.
> Anyway, for our National Mapathon I had created the following (since we
> had Windows computers with Java installed available):
> https://github.com/osmbe/JOSMforMapathons
> You can download it as a zip from github.
> Then run the josm_tested.cmd
> <https://github.com/osmbe/JOSMforMapathons/blob/master/josm_tested.cmd>.
> This will call the powershell script, which downloads JOSM and starts it
> with settings for remote control enabled. Somehow it's still necessary to
> download the plugins, but the useful ones are already selected.
> I hope this helps to organise more mapathons were users are taught to map
> with JOSM right from the start. It takes a bit longer to get them going,
> but the users are so much more productive and validators will come in
> hordes to thank you :-)
> Polyglot
> 2017-04-10 23:50 GMT+02:00 john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com>:
>> I've been looking at one section of Africa and tagging untagged ways and
>> area=yes ways.  It's a very small % of the entire continent.
>> So far in the last couple of days I've tagged nearly 800 buildings and I
>> have another 350 untagged ways to go through.
>> Looking at the mappers and the profiles many of these seem to be from a
>> number of recent building only projects.  Now these should be some of the
>> simplest things to map.
>> Missing 1,000 buildings in this area alone by not tagging them to me is
>> significant.  It might not be to others.
>> My estimate is of the buildings that are mapped 30% are not square or the
>> building image and the mapping are different in size.  This is a
>> conservative estimate.
>> To save my fingers and wading through the to_do list could a bit more
>> effort be made on the JOSM building_tool plugin front.  Jo / Polygot has a
>> recipe for running it from a USB stick.  It is simple to use and very
>> difficult to misstag.
>> You get more buildings out of the mappers and best of all you don't get
>> 45 tiles on one project marked done as I've seen by a mapper who had mapped
>> 186 buildings but managed not to tag them.
>> This means the project data isn't reliable and in my experience end users
>> like reliability. I'm not sure why, my programmers always thought that the
>> speed the programs ran at was more important.
>> Cheerio John
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