This is an interesting idea, go over the whole continent and do a very
rough QA process.  Only clean up the most egregious problems like vmap0
roads that are only accurate to 1 km; buildings mapped as area=yes; and
a run through the josm validator to get the biggest problems resolved.
(Note that the validator is very picky so getting every validator issue
fixed is probably too much but the bigger ones like untagged ways,
broken multipolygons, etc, would be doable).

Rather than using OSM convert and taking from the extracts we could have
an overpass query embedded into the individual tiles in the TM task.
The TM already has functionality to have a clickable link specific to
each task where you can autofill the correct x-y-z tile numbers for that
specific task.  I don't think overpass supports x-y-z coords for
bounding boxes but it might be possible to have them add that
functionality; either that or add a feature to the TM to allow the
lat-lon bounding box coords to be specified in the URL instead of the
x-y-z coords.  Either one would involve a bit of coding in the
respective project but it would be a pretty minnimal addition to either

Ultimately I think this is a really interesting idea, we just need to
work out the particulars for how exactly to go about it.


On 04/13/2017 12:56 PM, john whelan wrote:
> This is not for beginners and its much more something to think about first
> before rushing in.
> I've been looking over bits of Africa and one thing that stands out is the
> large number of imported highways.  Unfortunately they don't always align
> to the imagery.  Well they can be within a km or two of where they should
> be so they are better than nothing.
> Another thing that stands out is the very large number of
> highway=unclassified.  I suspect someone with a bit of expertise could
> relabel some of these to tertiary.  If we had a few people with local
> knowledge we might even be able to confirm that two villages a km apart are
> in fact joined by their own private motorway but that is just in passing.
> I think it needs a systematic approach to chop the continent up in large
> tiles but not downloaded directly from the OSM server but taken from the
> daily dumps since we are talking big tiles here.  It can be done by
> individual mappers using OSMconvert64 but getting the longitude followed by
> the latitude correct is not for the faint of heart.
> Because it doesn't fall under an conventional activation for a disaster,
> nor does it fall under the mapping for health reasons ie conventional HOT
> tasking manger I think it needs a different approach.
> I would suggest that one based on the countries with the lowest GDP per
> capita get highest priority.  The thinking being that I think there is some
> economic value here but it does need to be organised.
> Cheerio John
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