Dear HOT,

As you know we have some very exciting new features being released soon on
a number of our web tools including the Tasking Manager, Export Tool,
OpenAerialMap, and OSM Analytics. As part of this process, we asked
ourselves "How can we provide a better user experience and more consistent
look and feel across all HOT tools (including learning platforms such as
LearnOSM and and our website)?"

To answer this question we are working with partners at Vizzuality
<> to lead us through a design refresh process.
Vizzuality will be sending a short survey to gather your perceptions around
the look and feel of HOT platforms. The results will be aggregated and used
as input by Vizzuality and a HOT working group of HOT members, volunteers,
and staff.

Look for the survey soon - your input will be valuable whether regardless
of which tools you've used!

*Tyler Radford*
Executive Director

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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