The problem with using imagery is it depends when it was taken.  Just after
the rainy season all the unpaved highways will be narrower. Realistically
if we map the highways connecting settlements as something such as
highway=unclassified surface unpaved then let the locals clean up that
probably is the best.

Cheerio John

On 20 May 2017 at 07:38, Bjoern Hassler <> wrote:

> Hi Rebecca,
> Thanks for posting this!
> A few suggestions below - let me say up front that I am really happy to
> work on these together with others - but I think it does need a steer from
> others as well, maybe some experienced validators? Here goes.
> I'm aware of (and
> pictures at street level), but it would be really helpful to have some
> actual satellite images with the typology overlaid as well. E.g.
>    - an image of a section with "highway=tertiary". Comment: You can see
>    the paved road surface, it's a wide road - definitely tertiary. Most likely
>    these should all be marked already.
>    - an image of a section with "highway=tertiary". Comment: You can see
>    it's unpaved, but it's quite wide (two vehicles can pass), and connects
>    several major settlements - still use tertiary
>    - an image of a section with "highway=unclassified". Comment: You can
>    see it's unpaved, and looks quite narrow (two vehicles cannot pass easily),
>    but it's usable by 4x4. Use unclassified.
>    - an image of a section with "highway=unclassified". Comment: You can
>    see it's unpaved, and looks quite narrow, but it's usable by 4x4. Although
>    it only goes to one settlement, use unclassified.
>    - an image of a section with "highway=residential". Comment: Short
>    roads between buildings.
> Other comments that would be useful (if they can be made):
>    - If you are not sure what to use: Use unclassfied over residential
>    (or other way round).
>    - Use path over track (etc).
>    - ('s suggestion) If you
>    can see a road going to a house with metal roof, that road is most likely
>    passable by vehicle: use unclassified, rather than track/path.
> MapCSS:
>    - highway=residential and unclassified look the same in JOSM. Would be
>    good to have an adjusted MapCSS (Africa.css) that distinguishes those, and
>    (ultimately) gives more prominence to the features we are interested in.
> Final suggestion: Wiki page https://wiki.openstreetmap.
> org/wiki/Building_Tag_Africa. I saw a presentation somewhere (Ralph?)
> with images of buildings (round huts, square houses). It would be good to
> set up a new wiki page with those, to help in mapping buildings.
> As I said above, I'm very happy to help with all of these. E.g. if some of
> the validators would be happy to pass images to me (maybe as they are
> validating and re-tagging or extending road networks), which I would be
> very happy to collate, post to the wiki, and write text. Or start putting a
> MapCSS together and check it into git, etc...
> Any takers?
> Bjoern
> PS. Somewhat unrelated to the above: Unclassfied->tertiary: This may be a
> hard call to make, but some of the long fairly straight roads, clearly
> connecting larger villages (e.g. North of the M14 in this task) are down as
> Unclassified (in pre-existing map data). It seems to me that some of them
> should become tertiary. Johnwhelan also mooted this in a validation comment!
> On 19 May 2017 at 17:37, Rebecca Firth <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have set up two small projects to map the road network in Salima
>> District, Malawi, to support UNICEF projects working on the ground. UNICEF
>> are finding it difficult to work in the region without an accurate road
>> network map, as navigation and deliveries for all their projects is
>> continually delayed causing unexpected changes to project timelines and
>> costs.
>> The projects are around half way done, but would really benefit from a
>> couple of experienced road mappers jumping on to map + validate the data.
>> The tasks are here, if anyone wants to jump on:
>> search=Salima+District
>> Have a lovely weekend,
>> Rebecca
>> --
>> *Rebecca Firth*
>> Community Partnerships Manager
>> <>
>> @RebeccaFirthy
>> Skype: rebeccafirth
>> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
>> *Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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