Dear humanitarian mappers,

Thank you for supporting the folks facing the devastating floods in Sri Lanka!

More data on the areas most affected by flooding is just coming in to
the Sri Lanka Disaster Management Center (DMC) over the past 6 hours
and now to us for project planning.

Malinga, the lead for the HOT/OSM community response, is reviewing
that data and looking at where our initial project covers. Good news
is the priority area is directly where the data is needed, but as soon
as we can get the priority area mapped, we will probably archive the
existing project and replace it with a new project based on the new
impact data.

The latest projects on the Tasking Manager for Sri Lanka can be found here:

Thank you again, please keep mapping if you can, and please check back
when you can as there is still a great need for your skills and time
in this disaster. It is still raining in several parts of the western
and southern provinces and more rain is forecast.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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