Ralf Stephan, 2017-06-14 16:18:
in working on the project 2768 (Northern Borno) I encountered tasks where our
imagery (Bing, DG, Mapbox) is so out of date that work is difficult because
somehow other mappers (from Missing Maps?) have added lots of new
buildings/roads that don't show in the above imagery. But the buildings are
even visible in Google Maps:
The Premium DigitalGlobe imagery has the (tile info) date of this week but
doesn't show these buildings. Neither does older Bing imagery of the area.
Bing imagery in this area has a capture date from February 2014, the
DigitalGlobe layers do not reveal their capture dates. The "last modification"
date on the tile info window is always a current date and does not indicate when
these images were taken. DigitalGlobe has a "vintage map" for the standard layer
which for this area indicates capture dates from 2015. The Premium layer mostly
fills gaps with higher resolution or lower cloud cover but may provide older
imagery (https://mapsapidocs.digitalglobe.com/docs/imagery-and-basemaps)
What's wrong with the imagery we use? Is it really this fresh? What imagery is
really the newest and how to access it?
The buildings mapped in OSM in this area are mostly from HOT TM project 2635
which used recent imagery kindly provided by Airbus specifically for this
mapping project. Such images have to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis if
available "standard" imagery proves to be too old or of insufficient resolution.
Unfortunately there is no way how to tell which of the available imagery layers
provides the newest imagery.
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