Hi all, I loved this thread. I am going to be presenting next week at The
Global Alliance for Children's #ChildrenCount event and may display some of
your photos. Will share back.

*Tyler Radford*
Executive Director

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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*Join us at the 2017 HOT Summit! <http://summit.hotosm.org> | 14-15
September | Ottawa*

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 11:06 AM, Paul Stewart <pjstewart1...@gmail.com>

> Hi Heather,
> A couple of us at MSF-UK are currently holding discussions with a handful
> of London schools about holding regular mapathons for 15-16 year olds. We
> are planning to pair-up small groups of students with Missing Maps Mapping
> Mentors - voluntary positions we will soon advertise. We will also be
> putting together some humanitarian GIS exercises for students with GIS in
> their curriculum.
> I will keep you updated.
> Best,
> Paul
> On 2 Jul 2017 15:56, "Heather Leson" <heatherle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Amazing. Maybe we can write up a blog post for HOT on this together.
>> Will connect offlist
>> Heather
>> On 2 Jul 2017 16:14, "Marco Minghini" <marco.minghin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Heather and all,
>>> as Cristiano said, over the last few years we have organized at
>>> Politecnico di Milano what we called "mini-mapathons" in primary schools
>>> around Como and Milan (Italy) with 9 and 10 year-old children. For those
>>> interested, here you can find a paper about the educational value of the
>>> experience (it contains an analysis based on a questionnaire filled by the
>>> children after the event):
>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6BKomTX0AsKMnByQjhDZGFsYkk
>>> I am strongly interested in this topic so I'm happy to further chat
>>> about this.
>>> All the best,
>>> Marco
>>> Marco Minghini, Ph.D.
>>> GEOlab, Politecnico di Milano - DICA
>>> Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)
>>> +39 02 23996409 <+39%2002%202399%206409>
>>> marco.mingh...@polimi.it
>>> @MarcoMinghini <https://twitter.com/MarcoMinghini>
>>> 2017-07-01 10:00 GMT+02:00 Felix Delattre <felix.delat...@hotosm.org>:
>>>> Hi Heather and dear HOT community,
>>>> Great to learn about your projects! I would like to be in contact about
>>>> this topic.
>>>> A couple of years ago, we have been conducting mapping workshops with
>>>> children (4th and 9th grade) and college students on Nicaragua's Caribbean
>>>> Coast:
>>>> Here are a couple of articles (in English):
>>>> * http://en.unicef.org.ni/prensa/140/
>>>> * http://en.unicef.org.ni/prensa/141
>>>> Here you can find the publication of the community effort and the
>>>> methodology we elaborated:
>>>> http://en.unicef.org.ni/publicacion/96/geotechnology-tool-innovation/
>>>> (download link for the pdf at the bottom)
>>>> Best,
>>>> Felix
>>>> On July 1, 2017 1:50:25 AM GMT+02:00, Cristiano Giovando <
>>>> cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Heather and all,
>>>>> Marco from Politecnico di Milano has been organizing similar events
>>>>> with even younger kids (fifth-graders!) and the results were impressive.
>>>>> I'm sure he'd be happy to share his opinions and experience.
>>>>> Some links:
>>>>> https://www.hotosm.org/updates/2016-03-09_200_kids_map_swazi
>>>>> land_for_malaria_elimination
>>>>> http://www.geoforall.org/webinars/ (scroll down to the May 5th 2016
>>>>> webinar)
>>>>> Happy mapping!
>>>>> Cristiano
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 6:35 AM, Steven Johnson <sejohns...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Heather & list,
>>>>>> tl;dr; - Let's chat.
>>>>>> Since the beginning of the year, TeachOSM has been collaborating with
>>>>>> the American Geographical Society[1] to host a series of online workshops
>>>>>> for high school (but also college) instructors. The workshops are 
>>>>>> designed
>>>>>> to augment basic mapping training by helping teachers take the next step 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> integrating open mapping to their curricula., The workshops also act
>>>>>> as an ongoing support service and forum for project development.
>>>>>> As part of this collaboration, we're pulling together a 4-part Open
>>>>>> Mapping Summer Camp for teachers. It has not been announced yet as 
>>>>>> details
>>>>>> are still pending. But our plan is to introduce and test the modules in 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> TeachOSM for High School curriculum[2]. The curriculum is designed to
>>>>>> compliment the AP Human Geography curriculum.[3]
>>>>>> That's the gist of it. Happy to chat with any and all. Cheers,
>>>>>> SEJ
>>>>>> [1] http://americangeo.org
>>>>>> [2] https://github.com/shawnmgoulet/teachosm-for-high-school
>>>>>> [3] https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-human-geography
>>>>>> -- SEJ
>>>>>> -- twitter: @geomantic
>>>>>> -- skype: sejohnson8
>>>>>> Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands from beans! - Empedocles, 
>>>>>> *Fragments,
>>>>>> 141.*
>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Heather Leson <
>>>>>> heatherle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear colleagues,
>>>>>>> Many of you have teaching experience and have shared curriculum on
>>>>>>> TeachOSM. I'd be keen to talk with anyone who has does mapping workshops
>>>>>>> with high school students.
>>>>>>> This week I held a session with Ecole Internationale Geneva focused
>>>>>>> on Missing Maps techniques. The session plan is listed in the blog post.
>>>>>>> http://media.ifrc.org/ifrc/2017/06/29/data-ifrc-maps-kids-hu
>>>>>>> manitarian-outreach-16/
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Heather
>>>>>>> Heather Leson
>>>>>>> heatherle...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson
>>>>>>> Blog: textontechs.com
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Cristiano Giovando
>>>>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>>>>> cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org
>>>>> http://www.hotosm.org
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> Join us at the HOT Summit!
>>>>> 14-15 September, Ottawa
>>>>> http://summit.hotosm.org
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from my phone;  if there are typos I will still be quite annoyed
>>>> at myself.
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